Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yesterday we took our first CLUI bus excursion via the LAND/ART symposium weekend.

The journey was described as, "The Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI) will take passengers on a guided bus tour through some of the more compelling and dramatic built landscapes of New Mexico, places at the core of this landscape-centered state. The tour will examine the cultural stratigraphy of the contemporary technological sublime; the veneer of test space; the reach upwards; the security of entombment; and the flare of the nuclear furnace."

We'll be blogging about the excursion and the weekend more in depth here soon.

on the way to Los Alamos

a sample "rack" at the Bradbury Museum for drilling holes for underground nuclear testing

The highlight of the journey was the Black Hole of Los Alamos.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my... a daisy bomb. That makes me want to cry.
    I had not heard of Joseph Rotblat. What a hero he is. Thanks for this info. The OPI church is inspiring... the Black Hole depressing.
